“I Change Heating System and Water Heater”
Specifically regarding the characteristics of “I Change Heating System and Water Heater”:
In addition to supporting households for the installation of new solar water heaters and/or modern technology heat pump systems, the possibility of replacing energy-intensive old-technology electric heaters is also provided. However, this provision is not a prerequisite for the participation of interested parties in the program.
It is worth noting that of the 223.2 million euros that is its total budget, 44.6 million euros are reserved for energy-vulnerable households.
The main objectives set by the program include: upgrading the energy efficiency of households and saving financial resources by reducing energy consumption.
Additionally, it will contribute to reducing the use of heating systems based on fossil fuels and biomass, which pollute the atmosphere with suspended particles.
Through the “Change Heating System and Water Heater” program, the following is subsidized:
The purchase of a new modern technology solar water heater, at a rate of 50% or 60%, with the exact rate being determined based on income criteria.
The purchase of a new heat pump system, at a rate of 50%.
The execution of necessary additional installation work for eligible equipment (e.g. transportation costs, installation costs, consumables and accessories, etc.), at a rate of 50% or 60% (depending on income criteria).
The program is aimed at households that wish to install the above eligible equipment in their home (main or secondary residence, rented or leased).
In the meantime, within the framework of the “I Change Heating System and Water Heater”, emphasis is placed on potential beneficiaries of another program, the “I Recycle – I Change Water Heater” with unredeemed vouchers. In particular, interested parties who had not redeemed the vouchers are invited to resubmit an application, using the same VAT number.
The funding applications are evaluated comparatively and the existence or not of a disabled member/members in the family is taken into account, if the application concerns families with three or more dependent children, if the residence is in atmospherically polluted regions (only for the new heat pump system), in areas with a high number of degree days.
Funding applications by interested parties will be submitted only electronically until 31.3.2025 and must be submitted through the official website of the program https://allazosistimathermansis-thermosifona.gov.gr. Those interested in more information can call: 2131513753, 2131513745 (weekdays, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.) as well as email: allazothermansi.thermosifona@prv.ypeka.gr
Source: YPEN